IP Traffic - Test and Measure is a traffic generator for IP networks using different protocols:
- UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
- ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
and a powerful measurement tool for network Quality of Service (QoS)
IP Traffic - Test and Measure uses the Microsoft Windows TCP/IP stack (Winsock2 interface), and is independent of any transmission or telecom line. Any transmission link managed by the Windows operating system can be used: LAN (Ethernet, Token-ring, hyperlan...), WLAN (Wi-Fi, WiMax...), WAN (modem, ISDN, ATM, ADSL, FTTx, satellite...), remote access, PLC, mobile or cellular networks.
IP Traffic - Test and Measure can be used to get high accuracy measurements by using optional hardware providing a very precise time reference thanks to both the Time Devices (z100, z200 or z300 device) synchronized by GPS and our very precise clock (zClock).
IP Traffic - Test and Measure is composed of four modules:
- IP Generator to generate IP traffic with various load profiles on 16 simultaneous connections using different protocol: TCP, UDP (unicast, broadcast, multicast), ICMP
- IP Answering to receive IP traffic on 16 simultaneous connections with different working modes: absorber, echoer and generator
- Traffic Sniffer to capture traffic files at the driver level (under the TCP/IP stack) in order to calculate traffic statistics and timestamp IP packets (sent and received). The IP Generator module can replay the captured traffic files.
- Traffic Observer is a powerful graphic tool to display and visualize traffic statistics of IP connections. Statistics are displayed in real time [on-line mode] or by using an off-line mode.
System features
IP Generator features
- 3 working modes:
- Unitary mode (each connection can be parameterized independently by using the internal or external data generator),
- Automatic mode (parameters: starting time connections generation and data volume to send on connections),
- and Replay mode (parameter: data traffic file to replay).
- Internal data generator characteristics
- Traffic generator type: packets generator (packets number or infinite, packet contents: fix, random, alternate, increasing/decreasing) or Mathematical law or file to send.
- data size (fix, random, alternate, increasing/decreasing)
- inter packet delay (fix, random, alternate, increasing/decreasing)
- optional: throughput limit (Mean Throughput or Mean Packet Throughput)
- External data generator characteristics
- User File or User DLL
- Loop counter with delay between each loop
- Optional parameters
- Time code (RTT: Round Trip Time)
- DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point)
- TTL (Time to Live)
- Statistics:
- Sent and Received throughput, Sent and Received packet throughput, Sent and Received packets, Sequence numbering errors, RTT (Min, Max, Mean), Jitter and more...
IP Answering features
- 5 working modes:
- Echoer
- Echoer file
- Absorber
- Absorber file
- Generator
- Statistics:
- Sent and Received throughput, Sent and Received packet throughput, Sent and Received packets, Sequence numbering errors, Jitter and more...
Traffic Sniffer features
Sent and received packets are time-stamped by the Traffic Sniffer (under the TCP/IP stack) to calculate statistics and can be saved into a file to generate captured traffic files. IP filters can be defined to capture more precisely the traffic and reduce the amount of data to save into the file. From one traffic file captured by the Traffic Sniffer, an analysis algorithm produces two data files (IP packets sent and received) that can be replayed by the IP Generator module.
Traffic Observer features
This module displays and graphs statistical values provided by the IP Traffic - Test and Measure driver (under the TCP/IP stack).
- Numerical values for each IP connection: IP Throughput Snapshot (Tx and Rx), IP Throughput Average (Tx and Rx), UDP or TCP Throughput (Tx and Rx), Inter Packet Delay (Tx and Rx), Packet Transit Delay (Tx and Rx), Packet Erasure Rate (Tx and Rx)
- Graphics for each IP connection with average, standard deviation and confidence distance: IP Throughput (Tx and Rx), Inter Packet Delay (Tx and Rx), Packet Transit Delay (Tx and Rx), Packet Erasure Rate (Tx and Rx)
- Packet statistics display for each packet: status (lost or sent, transit delay, IP size, IP identification
- Packet statistics display for each IP connection: number of sent packets, mean transit delay, mean jitter, number and percentage of lost packets, number of retransmitted TCP packets.
Major benefits
- Windows 2000 (SP3 or earlier recommended), XP, Vista, Seven, Server 2003 and 2008 with 32-bit or 64-bit environment
- min 1024 x 768 screen resolution
- One Network Interface Card (LAN, WAN, WLAN...)
The add-on software Automation Tool for IP Traffic allows you to edit scenarios, carry out scenarios, set the parameters and pilot IP Traffic - Test and Measure automatically on the same PC.
A scenario is a succession of commands and instructions. A command is used to set parameters and/or activate a function of IP Traffic - Test and Measure. For example the Set and Start connection(s) command helps to set parameters for IP connections and to start the traffic on these connections. With such command you specify the IP address, port number, protocol, packet size, inter packet delay, duration, etc. and you start the traffic generation for these connections. An instruction is used by the Automation Tool to create an internal process. For example, the Wait Date/Time instruction suspends the scenario execution up to the specified date and time before to continue.
By using the Automation Tool for IP Traffic you can:
- Set automatically the parameters of IP Traffic - Test and Measure,
- Start and stop IP connections based on timers,
- Execute the scheduled operations in accordance with your own timing,
- Make repetitive tests operations automatically,
- Simplify the tests reproduction,
- And more…
- Network bandwidth management
- Generation of UDP, TCP, and ICMP traffic with many different load profiles
- Applications testing that require guaranteed bandwidth
- Testing of the impact of applications and equipments on the network (e.g. Voice over IP, Video, fax, multimedia, and more...)
- Traffic statistics viewing
- And more...